I attended a meeting of the Southeast Minnesota Birth Network to meet 2 of the home birth midwives in the area. I could tell from the first meeting with Leann that she was the midwife I wanted to be there. She was caring, involved, yet professional. I felt confident with her extensive resume that we had chosen the correct person.

Turns out we only had to wait until 38 weeks, but that also meant we had the home birth we were hoping and planning for.
We welcomed Micah Paul Scott on June 9th at 3:17pm. He weighed 6lbs 13oz and was 19.5 in long.
At around 6:30am, I was barely awake when I thought I felt a couple light contractions and a possible gush. I was barely awake and stumbled to the bathroom only to realize my pajama pants were soaked. I really didn't think my water broke, but then again I really didn't think I peed myself either. Ryan was in the shower so I told him I was calling the midwife but to just go to work. I called the midwife and she opted to come and check (even though she spent the night at a birth and was just on her way back home!) It took her about an hour to get to us so was just after 8 when she arrived. Ryan had already left for work and I was getting the kids their breakfast. I felt another gush and noticed there was some bloody show this time. I called my sister and my parents and told them they should probably head out as they both had long drives. Once Leann the midwife confirmed it was my water that broke I was glad they were all on their way. She thought it could be hours though, so to just go about business as usual. She was going to head home but agreed to stay until Laura arrived.
At around 9:30am, I had another gush while the kids were asking for a snack. I said, get a cookie and watch as many shows as you'd like... :) It was a "yes" day. Annika though was pretty freaked when she saw the wet kitchen floor and started crying. I figured Ryan should probably come back at that point. So I texted him to come home. He arrived shortly before 10, which was a good thing because our new babysitter was scheduled to come at 10. She arrived to learn I was in labor and stepped in with no issues helping get the kids ready for swimming lessons.

At 2:00 Angie my photographer arrived and by 2:30 mom and dad arrived. Since the blow up tub wasn't working, I asked to get in my tub. I did and it felt so much better being in the water. I started pushing about 2:45, although I had no idea if I was dilated. I quick check by Laura revealed that yes, it was time to push. Pushing was tough. Ryan was supporting me from behind, but I was in a tough position and my back really hurt, I also felt like I was aware of everything. I felt the baby kick me from inside and then felt his head desend down. It didn't hurt as bad this time when he crowned. I felt down and could feel all his hair under the water, so cool. Next contraction and he was out. Laura and I lifted him out together onto my chest. What a cool thing to have him here and have it be finally over!

Photos by Angie Knutson Photography