Thursday, January 26, 2023

Minnesota home birth


I had the most AMAZING home birth I could have ever dreamed of! I had the most amazing midwife and birth assistant/doula! I felt so much support, love, and power over my own body! If your interested here is my birth story: I woke up in the middle of the night around probably 2:30 with an uncomfortable contraction. I tried going back to sleep, but once I was about to fall back asleep I got another one. After about 5 contractions that were the same, and pretty intense, I woke my husband up and called my midwife.     read more...
                                                                                                                                                                      I was pretty sure it was early labor, but just to make sure I told her I would call her in 10 minutes. They stayed consistent and got stronger. I called her, and we decided to wait another 15 minutes just to make sure. I lasted 10 minutes before I called her back to tell her it is definitely go time. She called her birth assistant, and both were on their way!                                                                                                          Minutes after getting off the phone with my midwife my water broke!                                                        It was about 10-15 minutes and the midwife and birth assistant/doula arrived! By that time the contractions were definitely getting stronger. I got comfortable on the couch to tray and nap between contractions to get some energy. About 25 minutes later my midwife gets to my home, checks out baby, checks me (I was 5cm), and has me walk around my living room/kitchen. It really progressed my labor! Before I knew it my contractions were getting super strong and I was in transition! I laid in the bed for a few mor contractions, and once I was ready for pushing, to the birthing tub I went!                                  I instantly could feel him coming down, and within 2 minutes he was out! It was so quick I almost couldn't believe it!                                                                                                                                        It was so amazing, and I couldn't of asked for a more amazing team of the most two amazing women, and also my supportive husband who took a lot of photos/videos! It was quick, steady going, and empowering! This is the best last pregnancy/birth I could of ever asked for! God truly blessed us! God is sooooo good!